
Here are some helpful links:

  • Endometriosis helpful link: Endometriosis and Telehealth: During COVID and Beyond
    For more information on Endometriosis this link is an interview with Dr. Georgine Lamvu, chair of the International Pelvic Pain Society. The interview is very informative and includes discussion on whether endometriosis increases your risk levels related to Covid infection, information about self-care at home, and review of a variety of treatment recommendations.
  • Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions self help guide: Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions – Patient Guide
    This is a downloadable guide with nice information regarding multiple pain conditions, such as migraine, vulvodynia, IC/BPS, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic low back pain and others. It offers an overview of the nervous system and some explanation of how multiple pain conditions can coexist and persist. It covers many aspects of self-care including sleep, recovery and pursuits to enhance mood. It also provides a broad overview of treatment options. Nice information regarding the value of Patient Centered Care. There are 8 features of Patient Centered Care and you will experience these at Purple Mountain Physical Therapy. Key aspects of patient centered care are listening to you, telling you what I’ve found and explaining it to you in a meaningful way and involving you in your care. That’s why your goals drive our treatment plan! We are here to help you achieve what is important to you.
  • 6 Endometriosis is a chronic neuro-endocrine-immune system disease, in which the endometrial tissue (i.e., the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus) is found out of its place within the Chronic Pain Research Alliance
  • Resiliency and Chronic Pain: An excellent lecture regarding the role of positive affect and resiliency when living with chronic pain. Resilience in the Face of Chronic Pain
  • Bladder conditions: IUGA, the International Urogynecological Association, has developed a patient forward website with lots of resources regarding various bladder conditions including nocturia, mid-urethral slings, anterior vaginal repairs, dyspareunia, interstitial cystitis, stress incontinence, overactive bladder and pelvic floor exercises. Literally, they have an alphabetical, searchable list of diagnoses from A-V! IUGA – Your Pelvic Floor
    Pelvic floor disorders are more common than you might think. That’s why we want to hear your story. We want to share the stories of women who have had treatment for pelvic floor disorders to help those who have only just started on the journey towards pelvic floor health. IUGA – Your Pelvic Floor
  • Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: The American Urological Association provides treatment guidelines for IC. You will see that physical therapy is a second-line treatment for IC. Dr. O’Keefe has extensive training and experience in the method of treatment that was researched in an NIH nationwide study that showed physical therapy should be within the guideline for IC care. PT can be very effective and is recommended before 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th line treatment options. In these guidelines you will also see treatments that are not recommended. Diagnosis and Treatment Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (2014)
  • Intertitial Cystitis (IC/BPS) Guideline – American Urological Association The clinical guideline on Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) provides a framework for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with symptoms suggestive of this condition, including discussion of first through sixth line treatments and treatments that should not be offered. American Urological Association
  • The NIDDK has a nice website where you can learn more about IC. You will see that physical therapy is included among the treatments for IC/BPS. Interstitial Cystitis (Painful Bladder Syndrome)
  • People with interstitial cystitis (IC) have discomfort, pressure, tenderness, or pain in the bladder, lower abdomen, and pelvic area. Symptoms vary from person to person, may come and go, and can change in each person as time goes on.
    This content is provided as a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health. The NIDDK translates and disseminates research findings to increase knowledge and understanding about health and disease among patients, health professionals, and the public. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
  • The International Painful Bladder Society: This website has loads of information from around the globe on IC. You’ll find the latest updates on research related to IC, including emerging research on phenotypes of IC/BPS and how to differentiate these. While this is more a website for professionals researching or treating people with painful bladders, the information here may be of interest to patients who like to dig into the research.
    Interstitial cystitis, painful bladder syndrome, IC/PBS, PBS/IC
    The IPBF is a non-profit, voluntary, umbrella organization, active worldwide, that promotes knowledge and awareness of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome, Hunner lesion, hypersensitive bladder, chronic pelvic pain and associated disorders among patients, patient support groups, health professionals and the general public.
  • OASIS injuries, perineal injuries following birth: This is an overview guide out of the UK regarding OASIS injuries and perineal injuries following birth. While it very disappointingly fails to mention that pelvic health physical therapy is a must for treatment following this injury, the guide is otherwise helpful in detailing many known risk factors and in discussing prevention, decision making for subsequent births and other key aspects following this injury. ANAL INCONTINENCE FOLLOWING OBSTETRIC
  • 3 1. ANAL INCONTINENCE AFTER CHILDBIRTH Anal incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of bowel contents or flatus (wind) through the anal canal [1]. Urgency is common after childbirth injuries and is reported in 21% [2]. Urgency is a sensation of needing a bowel movement straight away, but where defecation can only be deferred for a short time (half to two minutes) when Mothers with Anal Sphincter Injuries is Childbirth
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse support: Want to learn more about pelvic organ prolapse? Wondering what factors might have contributed to your development of a prolapse? Interested in learning more about surgery, your pelvic floor, constipation and other things that impact your prolapse? This website has tons of information for you!
    Looking for pelvic organ prolapse symptoms, causes, and treatments? APOPS is a global space of women to woman POP support. Association For Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support
  • Pudendal Neuralgia: This is an online support group that was started by women who had Pudendal neuralgia. This website has a lot of information about this condition, it reviews treatment options, including recently emerging options, and symptoms. Because it is patient forward, it is quite accessible to those who need this information. Health Organization for Pudendal Education
  • Prostatitis: This organization provides a good amount of information regarding various contributing factors in urological chronic pain conditions, including prostatitis.
    A switchboard for people suffering from prostatitis or interstitial cystitis, also known as CP/CPPS or IC/PBS, or collectively as UCPPS Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (UCPPS) Society
  • Prostatitis: The NIDDK has great information about prostatitis. You will see under treatments that it includes physical therapy, with a specific mention of pelvic floor Kegel exercises and myofascial release, relaxation exercises and biofeedback. We provide all of these and additional, specific treatments at Purple Mountain Physical Therapy. We have to be transparent, however, and let you know that most men with prostatitis do not need Kegels. Our evaluation will determine whether you need them or not. Prostatitis: Inflammation of the Prostate
  • This is an older website, but filled with a lot of information and even international viewpoints.
    Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, often resulting in swelling or pain. Prostatitis can result in four significant symptoms: pain, urination problems, sexual dysfunction, and general health problems, such as feeling tired and depressed. Prostatitis Foundation
  • Menopause and pelvic health physical therapy: NAMS, the North American Menopause Society, is an organization that has good resources on their website. You can search their website to find information regarding sexual health, hormonal changes, effective treatments and FAQs. Yoga, Kegel Exercises, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
  • The key to doing Kegel exercises is identifying the right muscles to contract and relax. One way is to try to stop the stream of urine while you’re urinating; if you can do it, you’ve identified the basic move. The North American Menopause Society
  • Menopause support: RedHotMamas is an organization whose website provides abundant resources and education regarding menopause. You can even search the site in an A-Z alphabetical index. You’ll find information on bone health, hereditary diseases, hormonal health, hot flashes and more. The Business of Your Bones… Osteoporosis
  • Contributed by Karen Giblin- Red Hot Mamas Expert Osteoporosis literally means porous bones. It is a disease that makes a person’s bones weak and makes them more prone to fracture. Approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and another 44 million have low bone density placing them at risk. Osteoporosis is a silent disease because you … RedHotMamas Outsmarting Menopause
  • Physical Therapy for breathing enhancement: Here is a link to an interview with a physical therapist who is a breathing specialist that gives you insight into how Purple Mountain Physical Therapy can help you if you have breathing problems. This physical therapist discusses the supply & demand issues with oxygen, how breathing affects your nervous system and can help calm you, and that breathing is the foundation for your movement ability. Optimal Breathing and the Role of Physical Therapy