Category: Enuresis

How Physical Therapy Can Naturally Help Menopause

Physical Therapy Can Naturally Help Menopause

Can Physical Therapy Naturally Help Menopause? The answer is yes! When women experience symptoms of menopause in the pelvic region, such as vulvovaginal changes, bladder control problems, or prolapse, often they have no idea that physical therapy offers safe, natural, and nonsurgical solutions to many pelvic symptoms of menopause. Below, we explore more about pelvic […]

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How do I Stop My Child From Wetting the Bed at Night? Tips

Picture of Dad and two kids lying on their backs with their heads touching. Words read how can i help my child stop wetting the bed

If you are wondering how do I stop my child from wetting the bed at night and need tips, we’ve got you covered in this article. Additionally, as you read through the tips to help stop wetting the bed, if you are overwhelmed or have no idea how to help the things we talk about, […]

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Why Does My Ten Year Old Wet The Bed?

Ten year old boy who wets the bed is at the beach andholding guitar, smiling, hugged by his mom

If you are wondering why your ten year old child wets the bed, you are not alone! You have found the right place if you are a parent in search of a solution for your child’s bedwetting, daytime involuntary urination (enuresis) or constipation (encopresis).  We are Purple Mountain Physical Therapy and our pediatric voiding dysfunction […]

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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Bladder Problems. What’s Going On?

Woman with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and bladder control problems exercising outdoors, balancing on one leg, arms reaching upwards, rear leg behind her, up on stability ball

Author | Dr. Maureen O’Keefe, DPT pelvic health, back pain, neck pain and TMJ disorder specialist physical therapist. Experienced with treating people who have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome & bladder problems or pelvic floor dysfunction. Can Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Contribute to Bladder Problems or Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? If you have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and also are experiencing some bladder […]

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How Much Bedwetting is Normal?

Photo of children on a hill, holding hands backlit with sunshine behiind them

Author| Dr. Maureen O’Keefe, specialist in bladder and bowel physical therapy If you are wondering how much bedwetting is normal, we’ve got answers for you! We are Purple Mountain Physical Therapy and we specialize in providing treatment to children, of all ages, who experience bedwetting. We are located in Grand Rapids, MI and patients come […]

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Why Does My Child Keep Wetting Their Pants?

Why Does My Child Keep Wetting Their Pants? Girl with arms raised in triumph

If your child is struggling with daytime wetting, we have physical therapy treatment that can help. At Purple Mountain PT we provide physical therapy treatment for pediatric urinary incontinence (diurnal enuresis and nocturnal enuresis).  Parents, we understand you may feel frustrated or uncertain about why your child keeps wetting their pants and what you can […]

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When is it more than just being a picky eater?

This is a guest blog post by Courtney Joesel MA, CCC-SLP from Building Blocks Therapy Services. Building Blocks Therapy Services offer speech, language and feeding therapy for infants through adults. Please visit or call (616) 570-0925 to learn more. When is it more than just being a picky eater? Recently, I (Courtney Joesel, speech […]

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Why is My Child Bloated?

Picture of Physical Therapist Standing, Holding weight, near Purple Mountain PT sign with Pediatric Bladder & Bowel PT banner

Why is my child bloated? If you are looking for information and tips for how to fix bloating for your child, read on. At Purple Mountain Physical Therapy we specialize in bladder and bowel rehabilitation for children and adults. Our licensed physical therapist is specifically trained in pediatric bladder and bowel development and many times […]

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When Can I Start Potty Training?

When can I start potty training? Picture of little girl on a child's portable potty, seated next to her teddy bear who is also on a child's portable potty chair. Little girl is teaching teddy bear how to go potty on the toilet.

If you are wondering When You Can Start Potty Training Your Child, We have some answers for you! You have found the leading bladder and bowel physical therapy clinic in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We know that the process of starting potty training can be overwhelming. We help adults and children overcome pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic […]

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Physical Therapy Can Stop Bedwetting!

Photo of woman holding a model of a pelvis with headline that reads Physical Therapy Can Stop Bedwetting, beneath that is a photo of a dictionary with the word "bedwetting" highlighted. Beneath that is a caption that says Physical Therapy Teaches Your Child How to Control Their Bladder & Stop Bedwetting.

Did you know that physical therapy can help your child’s bedwetting? We are pediatric bladder and bowel physical therapists right here in Grand Rapids, Michigan and we help bedwetting! At Purple Mountain Physical Therapy, here in Grand Rapids, Michigan, we specialize in pelvic health physical therapy and this includes pediatric bladder and bowel health. We […]

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