What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for Menopause?

Menopausal Woman in Plank Pose with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist guiding her hips and form during pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause treatment.

Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging for Pelvic floor, Abdominal and Low Back Muscle Training to Address Menopause Symptoms

Many of the women who come to us are mothers and fondly recall ultrasounds when they were pregnant.  Well, that technology has been customized for our pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause.   Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) used by our physical therapists in pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause is specifically for helping you retrain your pelvic floor muscles, abdominal muscles and low back.

If you have problems with incomplete emptying of your bladder, bladder urgency & frequency, bladder incontinence, recurrent urinary tract infections, anal fissues, chronic hemorrhoids, chronic constipation or fecal incontinence, rehabilitative ultrasound imaging is a game-changer with our pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause.

RUSI is a comfortable and effective biofeedback and evaluation tool and we are the only pelvic floor, spine and TMJ physical therapy specialty clinic in Grand Rapids that has invested in this technology. Our ultrasound probe is placed either externally on your lower abdomen or externally on your perineum and Voila!   In contrast to something like an MRI, which cannot assess muscle activation, does not allow you to move your muscles while imaging and has been shown to not be directly associated with pain generation, rehabilitative ultrasound imaging in pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause is low cost, non-invasive and gives you the immediate opportunity to learn how to recalibrate and retrain your pelvic floor muscle and core muscle support and coordination.  Interested to learn more, reach out to us at (616) 516-4334 or ask us a question here.

Using the RUSI improves your pelvic floor awareness, pelvic floor muscle function, coordination, timing and organ support by helping your brain and body regain function and control of these muscles.

For example, our evaluation and treatment for pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause may use the RUSI and ask you to cough.   Often we see the muscles failing to respond to the cough, leading to bladder descent, a risk for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary leakage.  If you see this, it is very impactful, showing you what is going wrong and then we guide you in how to correct this. With our licensed physical therapists, we help train your pelvic floor and other core muscles to function better, while you watch the ultrasound image to ensure accuracy.  We are here for you, when you are ready, call us at (616) 516-4334 for more information or reach out online here and we will be in touch.

Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging has been used to assess and treat a variety of menopause related pelvic health conditions.  Our pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause uses RUSI to:

  • Allow you to see your pelvic floor muscles, abdominal muscles, bladder position, bladder emptying, constipation and anal sphincter (important for people experiencing chronic constipation, fecal smearing or flatulence incontinence).
  • Our physical therapists direct you in a variety of pelvic floor training exercises, while you watch the ultrasound image.  The RUSI allows us to assess muscle performance and teach muscle contraction, relaxation and coordination with the rest of your core muscles.  You will learn to relax and contract these muscles effectively, while properly pairing the pelvic floor muscles with your abdominals and breathing.
  • RUSI can identify lack of pelvic organ support.   Our PTs can use RUSI, in conjuction with our other menopause therapies, to improve prolapse and pelvic organ support deficiences.   With specific and personalized retraining of your pelvic floor muscles you will improve your intra-abdominal pressure control, habits of pushing down on your pelvic organs and enhance pelvic floor muscle performance.   We pair this with other corrective exercises to optimize your movement patterns, flexibility, breathing, posture and corrordination and optimize your breathing and posture to reduce prolapse.
  • Our patients tell us that the RUSI visual feedback helps something “click” in their brain and body, improving their understanding of the muscle function and impairment and enhancing their motivation and ability to retrain the muscles, thus reducing pelvic floor symptoms of menopause.
  • We also can use the RUSI on your spine to help you retrain your lower back muscles, which is a huge benefit, because research has found these muscles are impaired during & after an episode of low back pain AND research has found the low back muscles work in coordination with your pelvic floor muscles and abdominals, so training the entire system is important for pelvic floor physical therapy results for menopause and genitourinary syndrome of menopause.
  • RUSI has been used with pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause (and other times in our lifespan) to help with stress urinary incontinence, hypermobile urethra, fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, dyssynergic defecation, anal sphincter injuries, urinary retention, urinary urgency and frequency, urge incontinence, painful intercourse,vaginismus, pelvic pain, pelvic pressure, pelvic nerve pain (such as pudendal neuralgia, sciatica, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, genitofemoral nerve or other nerve), pelvic floor spasms, abdominal wall laxity, abdominal wall weakness, diastasis recti abdominis (split abdominals), lower back pain, low back muscle spasm, low back stiffness and tension, herniated discs, non-optimal posture & core alignment and more.

Are you curious about pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause or rehabilitative ultrasound imaging for your pelvic floor?   This technology, like everything we do, is included in your pelvic floor physical therapy treatment plan for menopause.   To talk with one of our knowledgable staff members, call us at (616) 516-4334 or contact us here

Our PTs find that women who experience pelvic symptoms of menopause, including urinary incontinence, urinary urgency, & pelvic organ prolapse, have complex and, often, longstanding pelvic floor dysfunction.

Our PT’s clinical experience has taught us, and research supports, that pelvic floor dysfunction for many women goes back decades.

  • Research has supported that female adolescent athletes who run, cut and jump (think basketball, volleyball, soccer) have stress urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • In the childbearing years, many women sustain pelvic floor injuries and experience pelvic floor dysfunction.  For some women, because estrogen levels are higher during reproductive years, they can function with little to no symptoms, perhaps just the occasional leakage of urine with a big laugh.

As estradiol levels lower during perimenopause and through menopause, we lose some of our pelvic floor function and bladder control.

It turns out that estradiol is helpful for overall pelvic health and, as it diminishes, we incur a higher risk for urinary tract infections and loss of pelvic organ support, including reduction in ability of the pelvic floor muscles to hold in our urine.  We can find ourselves in a cycle of urinary tract infections and pelvic pain that can be arrested by pairing proper medical treatment for the infections, potentially vaginal estrogen cream and pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause.   If this sounds familiar to you, we are here to help.  Call us at (616) 516-4334 or reach out to us here.

All women, age regardless, can improve pelvic floor muscle strength & function, thereby improving bladder control, intimacy pleasure and reducing pelvic organ prolapse.

Pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause is a pathway towards taking back control of your health and restoring pelvic floor muscle function.  Given that urinary incontinence is a risk factor for a woman needing to move into a nursing home, we cannot overstate the importance of taking care of your pelvic health and bladder and bowel control.  Our specialist PTs will guide you every step of the way.  You can have all your questions answered by speaking with one of our knowledgable team members at (616) 516-4334 or ask us a question here.

Improving and maintaining a strong pelvic floor, bladder & bowel control and low back, hip and abdominal muscle core integrity is crucial for us to be healthy, fit and strong.

Helping women correct the problem of pelvic floor weakness, bladder and bowel control challenges is what we have devoted our careers to.  We love to celebrate your wins with you and see you gain confidence and control!  To learn more about our specialist pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause and perimenopause and the treatment programs we offer reach out to us at (616) 516-4334.

If you are experiencing pelvic symptoms of menopause, such as urinary incontinence, recurrent urinary tract infections, urinary urgency and frequency, painful intimacy, balance & strength deficits, slouched posture, or pelvic organ prolapse, there is hope!  To chat with one of our knowledgeable team members, call (616) 516-4334 or ask us a question here. 

When working with our pelvic floor physical therapists for menopause and perimenopause, we can guide you to strengthen your whole body and regain pelvic floor and core support.  This includes improving your posture, balance, pelvic floor muscle automatically working, hip strength and mobility and deep core and abdominal support. All of these areas are affected by menopause and benefit from the skilled guidance of our PTs.  The vaginal and pelvic floor tissues lose flexibility and blood flow and our PT can enhance the dry and brittle natura of those tissues to improve nerve and muscle firing and enhance sexual function.  Our team of PTs are women and we know the special needs of women’s health, we are here for you.  Reach out to us at (616) 516-4334 to learn more or ask us a question here. 

You are not alone! High Quality Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Can Provide Relief of Symptoms of Menopause, Including Bladder Leakage, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pelvic Pain, Painful Intimacy, Back Pain, Vaginismus, Genitourinary syndrome of menopause, Osteopenia & Osteoporosis, Altered Posture, Diminished Balance and Muscle Weakness or Tightness. 

Menopause is a transformative phase of life that greatly affects a women’s pelvic health. Understanding how it impacts the pelvic region is essential for proactive management of symptoms and maintaining overall well-being. By recognizing the symptoms, knowing treatment options, and seeking support when needed, women can navigate menopause with confidence and resilience, ensuring a healthy and fulfilling postmenopausal life.  We hope this has given you some insights into what is included in our pelvic floor physical therapy for menopause and perimenopause here at Purple Mountain Physical Therapy. Reach out if you are ready to get started!


Dr. Maureen O’Keefe, DPT

Founder of Purple Mountain PT.   Pelvic Health, Spine and TMJ Specialist PT for over 25 years. Dedicated to providing compassionate and meaningful care so you can feel great again.   Our team of physical therapists are all trained and mentored by me.  Everything we offer is curated for your needs in mind, so you experience results.

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